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... recording the stories of the LGBT community in Scotland |
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Terms and ConditionsBy submitting material to OurStory Scotland, you agree to assign the copyright in your contributions to OurStory Scotland and its successors, and you agree to give them the right to use your contributions for whatever purpose they deem reasonable and to keep your contributions and add them to archives of National Museums Scotland and other local and national museums and libraries. In the event of the dissolution of OurStory Scotland, copyright would devolve to a successor association with similar charitable aims and objectives or to museums/archives where contributions are located. You also allow others to use your submitted material for educational non-commercial purposes. Any material accessed through the OurStory Scotland website should be properly attributed to OurStory Scotland, in accordance with the OurStory Scotland copyright statement: see the foot of this page. When you share material with Our Story Scotland, you must share only your own original content. If your content clearly identifies anyone else you will need to ensure that they have consented to the content being used by OurStory Scotland. Where your content clearly identifies children under the age of 16 you must ensure that their parent or guardian has provided the consent set out above. Where you submit your material with your chosen name, that name may be publicly accessible, so you should bear this in mind when choosing whether or not to submit your full name, first name, nickname or a pseudonym. OurStory Scotland requires that you do not submit any content that is defamatory, offensive or unlawful, and that you avoid any possibility of identifying people in terms of their sexuality unless you have their written permission. By submitting your material, you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions, your agreement to the publication and archiving of your material (including online publication), and your agreement to OurStory Scotland deciding whether or not to publish/archive some or all of the material. To return to the OurStory Scotland website, close this pop-up window. |
Storytelling OnlineOurStory Scotland has been an active participant in Mass Observation Communities Online. This has enabled people to contribute material about their lives directly online. In our participation in the Mass Observation Communities Online project, we agreed to their terms and conditions. On their suggestion, we are extending the opportunity for people to submit material online, under similar terms and conditions.
© Copyright OurStory Scotland - Scottish Charity No: SC035729 (SCIO) |