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OurStory Scotland

... recording the stories of the LGBT community in Scotland

Archiving Heritage Oral History Storytelling Drama Exhibitions Research
  Drama: Drama Index | seXshunned


Writings for seXshunned

Double Anonymity

The Church Gives Space to Gay Men in 1970s Glasgow

In those days the church could clearly damn you - or could save you a bit of space. Some of us would go each week to the Tuesday Group, on Church of Scotland territory. Various groups meet there, each on a different night of the week - a wonderful mixture - our gay group, Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous and the International Marxists. We even come together at the Daffodil Fair, and get on famously. Meanwhile a Priest also gives us space to meet, but can't do so openly. Officially he says he's giving counselling to Alcoholics Anonymous. So we're an anonymous group cloaked in the anonymity of another group of the nameless. Double anonymity - courageously giving us the space to meet - but having to keep it quiet.

written by Jaime and performed by Donald
based on a group interview for OurStory Scotland
staged for seXshunned at The Arches, November 2004

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