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OurStory Scotland

... recording the stories of the LGBT community in Scotland

Archiving Heritage Oral History Storytelling Drama Exhibitions Research
  Storytelling: Storytelling Index | Online Storytelling | Auto/biographical Accounts | Reflections | Episodes | Skeletons | Fictions | Performance

Writing Episodes in OurStory Tent


Here we present episodes, exchange experience and share stories. At events throughout Scotland, people from the LGBT community are given the opportunity to write or speak episodes in their lives. These episodes are added to our archive of stories of the LGBT community, that we can draw on for public storytelling, drama, exhibitions, research and internet publication.

a small sample of the hundreds of episodes we have collected

My First Kiss - Robert 2005
When I was 9, I was out with a friend...
[ read full episode ]

Life Changing Love - Susan 2006
I was having a party at the time, just a few friends...
[ read full episode ]

Beautiful Eyes - Nathalie 2007
Recently, my partner came to visit my parents...
[ read full episode ]

Episode Archive

    Our collection of handwritten episodes is archived at National Museums Scotland in Edinburgh. They form part of the OurStory Scotland Collection in the Scottish Life Archive.

    Our digital stories, including episodes submitted through online storytelling, are archived in the OurStory Scotland Collection at the National Library of Scotland.



Queer Distance

OurStory Scotland is currently focusing on online storytelling through our Queer Distance project. You can submit an episode from your life online. We have developed an online form that enables you to tell of an episode in your life, perhaps a turning point in becoming who you are. You can submit your episode, or write a diary for a typical or special day in your life. Here is the online form:

Episode or Diary

Writing Episode in OurStory Tent